Women’s Day Special II: The Dilemma of New Roads!

The Story of Mrinalini: The Final Chapter

A few months back, Mrinalini was struggling to keep her passion for cricket alive. And now, she’s doing whatever it takes to bring her only passion back to life through BalleBaazi, the online world of fantasy cricket. It’s played by using your knowledge of the sport and skill as and when you wish to create your own team of real players in real-time matches. This was all pretty new to her. But would that stop her from not giving it a shot? Let’s find out…

Before stepping into the online world, she wanted to ask around and see if anyone had an idea of what fantasy cricket was like and if it benefited people. Since she was one of the very few who actually wished to pursue cricket as an intense passion, she couldn’t really catch hold of anyone. Everyone was pretty much a foreigner to the concept of fantasy cricket and BalleBaazi. After a rigorous few days of hunting, her cricket coach got in touch with her and told her about her experience with BalleBaazi, and how it has let her be this enthusiast till date. She was willing to teach her everything she could about the app and how convenient it really is to play.

All she had to do was create her own team of 11 players and play in a real-time match. Mrinalini had kept this newfound interest a secret from her parents since she wasn’t really sure if BalleBaazi was really worth fighting for. She’d try to practice playing before school, after school hours, sometimes even at night when both her parents would be sleeping. She started to play for free initially but once she began to get the hang of it, she felt now would be the right time to start playing for a little money.

That’s when she asked for a little help from her cricket coach. Since she couldn’t log in with her own account details as her parents would find out about her little secret, she requested her coach to invest in a small amount for her to play with real money. Without asking twice, she did and praised her for holding such a deep connection with this beautiful sport that none of her other students had.

Mrinalini was touched and this gave her even more motivation to give her best. BalleBaazi taught her so much about fantasy cricket and how conveniently she could just log in and start playing. One morning when Mrinalini’s mother was cleaning up her room, she saw that Mrinalini’s cell phone was kept under the pillow. On browsing through, she found the BalleBaazi app on her phone and immediately started to research what it was all about on the internet. Mrinalini was in school and had no idea of what was going on behind her back. What do you think Mrinalini’s mother would say to her? Will she keep it a secret too? Or will she counter Mrinalini as to why she had to hide it from her own parents?

Stay Tuned for Part 3!

Part 3: https://www.ballebaazi.com/blog/womens-day-special-iii-do-it-because-you-love-it/

Loved the Blog? Let us know in the comments below. Also, don’t forget to Download the BalleBaazi App now for the Most Amazing Fantasy Cricket Experience. Lots of Winnings & Offers to Cash In.