#KarBalleBaaziTu and Stand a Chance to WIN ₹5 Crore this IPL 2019

5 Crore in Winnings this IPL

The biggest league event in T20 cricket, Indian Premier League goes underway on the 23rd of March. Renowned cricketers from all around the world will be seen battling for the prestigious trophy and fans won’t be able to get enough of it. Are you one of those fans who are really excited? Well, your excitement is about to reach the next-level.

This IPL, BalleBaazi, your one stop to the best fantasy sports experience, is giving you a chance to WIN a whopping ₹5 Crore. Make your team, pick your batsmen, plan a bowling line-up, predict, and the amount can be yours. Wait, there’s more – we are also giving away ₹5 Lakhs in every match with a guaranteed top prize of ₹1 Lakh, and to take it all home, there’s a bike up for grabs.

At BalleBaazi, we are driven to do something extraordinary for cricket lovers. Our josh for the game is always high.

Download the app now: https://www.ballebaazi.com/getapplink/ 

Play fantasy cricket in every match, happening across the world.
